Cross River Campus Library

202 West 43rd St, Room 301
New York, New York 10036
T 212.463.0400, ext. 55321
F 212.627.3696
  • Sun9 am—5 pm
  • (Closed on Sundays in August)
  • Mon—Thu8 am—8 pm
  • Fri8 am—1 pm

The Cross River Campus Library serves the New York School of Career and Applied Studies (NYSCAS), the School of Health Sciences of Touro University, Touro University's Graduate Schools of Business, Education, Jewish Studies, Social Work, and Technology. It houses the collection of Touro College of Pharmacy which is served by Touro College of Osteopathic Medicine. The strength of this library's collection is in business, education, human services, Jewish studies, psychology, pre-clinical and clinical medicine, and literature specific for the physician assistant, physical therapy, occupational therapy and nursing professions.
